Balade a Champfleur

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Balade a Champfleur

Publication: Tactiques 1
Location: Champfleur, France
Scenario Date: 11/08/1944
# of Turns: 6
# of Maps: 3
Maps Used: 12, 17, 19
Attacker: French
Defender: German


On 11 August 1944 General Montgomery issued a field order to the 1st Canadian and the 3rd American armies, relating to the vast encircling movement of the 7th German Army in progress. As the 3rd American Army was coming up from Le Mans toward Argentan, the objective was to make the junction with the IInd Canadian Corps going southward, in order to close the Falaise pocket. On 11 August, French of the 2nd Armoured Division arrived in Alençon vicinity. Several French Sherman were blown up by the Panzers at Champfleur, a few kilometers south of the city. German tanks were destroyed, and general Leclerc set up his headquarter at Champfleur for the night. The French were exhausted and stopped at the gates of Alençon. The 4th Squadron entered the city at dawn on 12 August. The French 2nd Armoured Division liberated Alençon and captured intact bridges on the river Sarthe.

Versions History

Victory Conditions

The French need to have destroyed 3 AFV's and gathered 25 CVP.


Check all playings recorded on ROAR for this scenario here





After Action Report


