Bone of Contention

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Bone of Contention

File:Scenario G15.jpg
Publication: The General 28.4
Location: Rouen, France
Scenario Date: 31 August 1944
# of Turns: 7
# of Maps: 2
Maps Used: 20, 21
Attacker: German
Defender: Partisan (BCRA)


After their epic 20-day stand at Hill 112 and the breakout from the Falaise pocket, the men of SS-Panzer Detachment 102 were afoot when they reached Rouen. The surviving crewmen and mechanics had abandoned their last Tigers on the banks of the Seine before they crossed over to continue the retreat. But during the night of 30 August, their commander ordered lieutenants Fey and Baral to take a mixed force of tankers and mechanics back across the river to destroy a number of heavy tanks left intact. Wehrmacht stragglers relayed that two Panthers sat immobile a few blocks away. But when they arrived they found the tanks no longer abandoned! Maquisards were rotating the turrets and test-firing the machineguns. The lieutenants discussed the situation, and determined to put an end to this foolishness. More than enough panzerfausts to do the job were lying about along the shore.


Victory Conditions

The German must eliminate Partisan tanks






After Action Reports




