The Tractor Works

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The Tractor Works

File:Scenario B.jpg
Publication: ASL Classic
Location: Stalingrad, Russia
Scenario Date: 06/10/1942
# of Turns: 8
# of Maps: 0,75
Maps Used: 01
File:Board B.jpg
Attacker: German
Defender: Russian


While pushing into the industrial area of the city, advancing elements of the 389th Infantry Division isolated a contingent of the 308th Rifle Division in the crucial Dzerhezinsky Tractor Works. The German command decided to crush this island of resistance and to help, brought up a crack team of assault engineers. However, the Russians had noted a critical weakness in the ring around the Tractor Works and had decided to launch a major counterattack to relieve their garrison there.

Versions History

Published Elsewhere: The General 22-6 B

Victory Conditions

At game end, the player with undisputed control of at least six hexes of building 1X3 wins. A hex containing a Melee is controlled by neither player. If only one player has an unbroken unit in the building at game end, that player is the winner. Any other result is a draw.







After Action Report




