Aaron Krebs' ASL Site

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The original site can be visited here:


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Herr Victor
Herr trophy.JPG

Personal fansite of Aaron Krebs. The Herr Victor tournament was held five times in 1997-1998.

The Herr Victor Trophy

Herr Victor is both a title and a trophy. The trophy is awarded at official Herr Victor tournaments. These are held every couple of months or so, and feature 2 "official" scenarios. Teams are set up so that after these scenarios only one person will be undefeated, and this person is honored with the title of Herr Victor and given custody of the trophy. The trophy is then proudly displayed until the wife of the winner notices it and makes the winner put it in the basement.

On the flip side of Herr Victor is Der Peasant. Where there is a winner, there must be a loser. So Der Peasant is 'crowned,' and is responsible for fetching beers at the next tournament. In the future, a necklace, made from Aaron's cursed dice, will be Der Peasant's badge of shame


Solitaire ASL Play

A scheme is presented to allow a solitaire gamer to play scenarios that involve HIP units, dummy stacks, minefields, and other features while losing as little of the ``fog of war as possible for a solitaire gamer. Rules were created by Steve Eckhart and can be downloaded here.


  • Chris Julias
  • Aaron Krebs
  • Scott Shoemaker
  • Ed Stum