A Simple Solution

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A Simple Solution

Publication: Winter Offensive Bonus Pack 8
Location: Aachen, Germany
Scenario Date: 12 October 1944
# of Turns: 7.5
# of Maps: 2
Maps Used: z, 76
File:Board WO23.jpg
Attacker: American
Defender: German


The battle for Aachen, the city of Charlemagne and the First Reich, had started two days earlier. American High Command had initiated a complicated series of maneuvers outside the city designed to isolate Aachen from the north and the south in a concentric attack encircling the city. The commanding generals had not given much thought to the units that were to frontally assault the city to keep the Germans’ attention other than to tell them to pin the Germans in place. Thus it was that these few American units faced some tough going. Not only were the defenders numerically superior, but they were fighting on home soil for one of the cherished Nazi symbols of power.


Victory Conditions

The American must control buildings






After Action Reports




